Denver Headshot Photographer

Do’s and Don’ts for Headshots: How to Make the Most of Your Professional Portrait Headshots are an important part of any professional’s portfolio. They are often used as a first impression when applying for jobs, networking, or even just introducing yourself to someone new. To make sure you make the best impression possible, here are […]

5 Do’s and Don’ts for your Headshot Photoshoot

Emma is an accomplished actor based out of Denver, Colorado. An actor’s headshot is their professional calling card—and the best ones do more than just catch a casting director’s attention in the moment. A great headshot is also memorable enough to pop back into the CD’s mind the next time a role suited for your […]

Emma | Denver Actor Headshot

Lily needed to update her headshots from 2014. We used our signature white and black backdrops to highlight her features and give her new photos a modern and sophisticated look. Are Professional Headshots Worth It? Headshots are an important part of any professional’s portfolio. They provide potential employers and clients with a first impression of […]

Lily Neubert | Denver Headshot Photographer